Wednesday 19 December 2012

Disaster !

Writing seems helping me a lot...because i am not happy..
Being happy because do not want people to see the tears from me.....
Being strong seems like hard for me,but i am trying still....
Am i being myself correctly?????
Being strong in front of my family, by carrying burden around me, seems hard for me...but i try....
Sometimes it really a mentally pressure...
But why they care too much?? in wording?? 

Rachel....cry.....rachel......everything will be fine afterward....wash away all the pressure....the stress....the sadness.....wash all away.....left the only happiness by the side.....

原来不是每件事都那么完美。。。生活中y外表看是完美,也必有丑陋的一面,再怎么艰苦,和难受,我一定要勇敢面对。馥璇,坚强 !!!

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