Thursday 13 December 2012

GEt up !!! I can do it !!!

Feel bad today, It just so freaking and stress up, since the final coming soon...DECP, Proposal and contextual issues... and i know I am going to make it this time. I used to to having failure in the past, yet it seems like i dunt really satisfied what i got for the last sem.This was the first time i felt so horrible..It is not a failure,dunt worry. But the problem is ....I am a perfectionist with too much of thinking "skills" (actually try to be sarcastic)  I dunt get satisfies easily especially my work.This made me to wana so much be outstanding and perfect and different in everything.Thus a special and the only topic i chosen instead of others..well, it made me off , after i receive my results... Well, this time i am not going to do something same , i had learn from that stupid mistake....Okay....It is okay...with tears......

Well,be strong xuan !!!!!! be strong....Mr. Parthiban always ask me not to be worry.....but how can i dont be worry at this time.....

Well calm and carry on !! i will pray hard and study hard....and smart...because i am not so smart, that the reason push me to work harder....

Recalled what MR. KERK said:
Grab for the opportunity, don't think much,aim for a goal,keep it well, and activate it !!!
Be patient, there is difficulties throughout life, but never give up !! and you will Success !!


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