Wednesday 19 December 2012





Disaster !

Writing seems helping me a lot...because i am not happy..
Being happy because do not want people to see the tears from me.....
Being strong seems like hard for me,but i am trying still....
Am i being myself correctly?????
Being strong in front of my family, by carrying burden around me, seems hard for me...but i try....
Sometimes it really a mentally pressure...
But why they care too much?? in wording?? 

Rachel....cry.....rachel......everything will be fine afterward....wash away all the pressure....the stress....the sadness.....wash all away.....left the only happiness by the side.....

原来不是每件事都那么完美。。。生活中y外表看是完美,也必有丑陋的一面,再怎么艰苦,和难受,我一定要勇敢面对。馥璇,坚强 !!!

Thursday 13 December 2012

GEt up !!! I can do it !!!

Feel bad today, It just so freaking and stress up, since the final coming soon...DECP, Proposal and contextual issues... and i know I am going to make it this time. I used to to having failure in the past, yet it seems like i dunt really satisfied what i got for the last sem.This was the first time i felt so horrible..It is not a failure,dunt worry. But the problem is ....I am a perfectionist with too much of thinking "skills" (actually try to be sarcastic)  I dunt get satisfies easily especially my work.This made me to wana so much be outstanding and perfect and different in everything.Thus a special and the only topic i chosen instead of others..well, it made me off , after i receive my results... Well, this time i am not going to do something same , i had learn from that stupid mistake....Okay....It is okay...with tears......

Well,be strong xuan !!!!!! be strong....Mr. Parthiban always ask me not to be worry.....but how can i dont be worry at this time.....

Well calm and carry on !! i will pray hard and study hard....and smart...because i am not so smart, that the reason push me to work harder....

Recalled what MR. KERK said:
Grab for the opportunity, don't think much,aim for a goal,keep it well, and activate it !!!
Be patient, there is difficulties throughout life, but never give up !! and you will Success !!


Sunday 29 July 2012

Stop bubble tea everyday, Let DIY Honey juice to keep you healthy ~

The 3 key health benefits of honey are related to the fact that: 

1. Honey is nature's energy booster 

2. Honey is a great immunity system builder 

3. Honey is a natural remedy for many ailments 

So, I love Honey that much~

Well,for those whom i concern,stop buying bubble tea everyday....Yes,You CAN drink...but not everyday. Why not just spend like 5mins to make if for yourself. You even can bring it to office, travelling. Furthermore,It is good for throat, isn't it....

Nah,here Little Pooh is going to share few tips with you:

-- Next time before you go for a workout, take a spoon of honey to enable you to go for the extra mile.
-- If you are feeling low and lethargic in the morning, instead of reaching out for a can of carbonated energy drink (100 plus), try honey. Spread it on hot toast instead of sugar or even your tea with it for a refreshing surge of energy. 
-- For parents, if your kids are finding hard to cope with the physical strain from the buzzing activities at school, prepare them some sandwiches with honey, butter and ham to make sure they have enough energy to sustain through the day. 

Furthermore, Honey ANti-cancer. attn: it does not cure Cancer,but prevention.As we know,prevention is better than cure =)

Nah ~ here some interesting facts i found about Honey:

Vinegar and Honey:
As we know,both of their benefits had widely known.Yet,what do think of the combination??
Nah,there is a research mentioned this recipe has traditionally been used as a home self-detox or self remedy for many ailments such as Arthirits !!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT ???

Honey VS Cinnamon:
This combination has been used in oriental medicine for centuries and people have claimed that that the mixture helps to cure many ailments, for instance: hair loss and bad breath.... 

Heart disease: Apply honey and cinnamon powder on bread instead of using jam or butter and eat it regularly for breakfast.
Arthritis:  Apply a paste made of the two ingredients on the affected part of the body and massage slowly.
Hair Loss: Apply a paste of hot olive oil, a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder before bath, leave it for 15 min and wash.
Toothache:  Apply a paste of cinnamon powder and honey and on the aching tooth.
Cholesterol: Add honey to cinnamon powder mixed in boiled water or green tea and drink.
Cold: Make a glass of lukewarm honey water mixed with cinnamon powder to help boost your immune system during the cold season. It may also help to clear your sinuses.
Longevity: Regularly take tea made with honey and a little cinnamon powder.
Pimples: Mix honey with cinnamon powder and apply paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash away the next morning.
Obesity: To reduce weight, daily drink a mixture of a teaspoon of honey with half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder boiled in water with an empty stomach in the morning about half an hour before breakfast.

SO, are get  ready with your honey Partying with POOH ???? 

Monday 23 July 2012


  • 做人难,难做人,要做得人人喜欢那更难。如何做一个成功的人是每个聪明人必须考虑好的事。做一个成功的人是一个人做人的最高境界。




Final year...not an ending,yet a brand new year to NGU

Angry not my favorite.But i like his attitude. Not in the sense of Angry,yet Fighting. There is no ending of the games,so it makes a good sense of Never give up..

I am not an artist,But i try to draw a nice one.
I am not a researcher,But i try to explore knowledge to establish facts.
I am not a writer,But i try to write the stories as interesting as possible.
I am not a speaker,But i try to speak so everyone listen to me.
I am not a cooker,But i try to make my stomach not in hunger.
I am just a simple human,that will keep on trying throughout my life ~ So keep trying....

Tuesday 12 June 2012




虽然,我爱我国家,但却因为某些因数导致它部分死亡啊! 可悲。。当外人,问,你是从哪来的啊。我说马来西亚。。 “ 哦。你们某某部长怎了不起,老了,还很 “魅力” 嘛。。” “是的,我们多元化。。。” =。=


所以,我只想尽我全力,把自己搞好。。搞得去哪。。都有得“拘留所” 呵呵。。。。

好吧,就为我的前途打拼打拼呗~ =)